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European Cleft Palate Craniofacial Association (ECPCA)


In 2015 the ‘European Cleft Palate Craniofacial Association (ECPCA)’ was founded in Gothenburg, Sweden and the first ECPCA congress will be held in Utrecht in 2019. The congress will focus on the treatment of cleft lip palate/craniofacial malformations conditions. Experts, clinicians, scientists and medical technicians, as well as medical engineers associated with the different fields in the industry from around the world will be given the opportunity to share their experiences, successes and best-practices with one another. Future events will be hosted every four years at rotating locations within the European region.

The theme is ” Future perspectives’, with a pre-congress symposium about 22q11 syndrome and also Robin sequence. During the Robin sequence pre-congress meeting we will try to get consensus about what objectives measurement we should use when comparing outcome and treatment during the first year of the patient.

It would be great to welcome you in Utrecht 12-15 June.

Please look at the website for information about abstract submissions and registration.

clique here

Website: www.ecpca.eu